A young man sits at a table and speaks into a microphone. Several professionals in business attire sit around the table with the young man and listen.
A young woman smiles at a video camera and holds up a blue blanket with large white text on it. Behind her are rows of empty black chairs and a screen with the Amazon Shop 313 Summit logo next to text that reads 'Welcome.'
Sellers in Your Community

Your voice.
Your business.

Sellers in Your Community is dedicated to connecting and championing small
and medium-sized businesses, like you, that sell in the Amazon store. You're
using the success of your thriving business to make a difference in your local community. We're here to amplify your impact.

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A smiling woman stands next to a seated man and both look down toward colorful fabric swatches that the man holds. In front of them is a desk with a monitor, keyboard, and more fabric swatches.